
Ashish Khare

Web Developer

a cover image showcasing my badges

Hello! I'm a web designer and developer. I've build web-based tooling like tetrapack and folder-routing . Recently, I've found an unknown attraction towards building web services in Go. I wish to onboard the Go and HTMX hype train.

I am a final-year student pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur. My journey began during my school days when my computer teacher introduced me to algorithms and explained how computers can be helpful. I am proud to maintain a CGPA of 8.5, even though I consider myself a mediocre student yet a fast learner.

Data Scientist

convolutional neural network layout

Why not start by showcasing my exploratory skills with the Iris dataset? I've used Pandas, NumPy, Seaborn, and Scikit-learn to perform EDA, visualization, and model training on it. Datasets I've worked with for Linear Regression and Classification problems: Palmer Penguins , Iris Dataset and 80 Cereals Dataset . Here, some NLP problem notebooks Twitter Sentiment Analysis . Also, the modern art of Neural Network displayed in MNIST digits dataset

    Data Science Profiles:

  1. ashishk1331 @ Kaggle
  2. flangdev3000 @ Datawars

Challenge Architect

CTN challenge banner

Do you like challenges? So do I. Here are a few for you to try like crack the nut and 100 days of code . Although the 100-day challenge is still a work in progress, you can get a taste of what it will offer from the website.


banner for Bleach DB

I adore python. Only the computer language! I've used it to do web scraping, building APIs and even for image processing. The bleach db , image algorithms repo and brainfuck compiler are written in python. The simplicity of Python has captivated me for years. You can write Python as if you were reading English. Here are few lines from the zen of python one could also apply in their daily lives.

If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.

An app by Ashish

Advertisment for feather app.

Organize Your Life, Conquer Your To-Dos


App Developer

Banner for altar app

Yes, I can also build mobile apps using React Native and Expo. I've built apps like feather , altar , and commit . They may not work properly because Supabase shuts down inactive project instances. Altar and Commit were great exercises for the mind, as I incorporated React Query for efficient queries, a mini design system for uniform designs across entire application, proper authentication and even animations.

Web version of feather is also available here. However, It has limited set of features and capabilities.

For my next projects, I'm building a mini ORM for python's sqlite3 module and bringing power of xml-like syntax to fastHTML.

I aim to write more, so I started working on this template. You can expect blogs from me now—maybe one each week. Share your thoughts on Twitter @ashishk1331. I'd love to hear from you!



My top 3 albums right now!
I've spent the last few months listening to "Hurry Up Tomorrow" by The Weeknd, who recently announced that this will be his last album and that he'll be retiring his stage name. Man! The vocals on "HUT" are angelic—exemplary! Speaking of exemplary, Kendrick Lamar's growing influence and chance to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show are shining examples of his success.
"CHROMAKOPIA" is a great album. I spent all of November listening to Tyler. He really put out some great work for us to appreciate. 2024 was packed with great albums and projects.
This year, I've also spent most of my time listening to Kanye West. He's the GOAT, no doubt. "Flashing Lights" has been on repeat since last year. Then, Billie also dropped "Hit Me Hard and Soft," which was exactly the experience I needed to cure my winter blues. Finneas did a fantastic job with production.

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