
'Wish on an eyelash' for Telegram

Ashish Khare

23 Apr 2024

2 min read

Recently, I came across a post at Peerlist by Mohit Chaprana: Messaging apps monthly active users in 2024 which told about the user base of each messaging app including WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat, Viber and Telegram and his premise was that in the era of Signal and Telegram why people are still struggling with WhatsApp?

The question was intriguing. Why?

Average consumer doesn’t care for fancy stuff offered by the new comers. The OG won the race with heavy advertising and incentives to android. If people don’t care then why pus such analytics? If I’m happy using WhatsApp, where it satisfying all my minimal requirements, then why to shift to other platforms.

Second reason is the data. Everyone knows that data is the king and all walls are made around him to protect him. None of the above platforms provide intutive and east-to-use adapters for hindrance-free migration of user data from one platform to the another. Even if possible, they shouldn’t allow such migrations. These may lead to data robberies.

No doubt these new platforms are made for the future and we can see a huge adoption rate for them. Nonetheless, the monopoly of Google and Android is the reason for their trample fall. Recently, WhatsApp has been pushing changes frequently and is shocking people everyday with some unique layout shifts or with change in color pallete.

I personally have faith in Telegram beacuse of its versatility and features. However, I would love to the child of Telegram and Slack. It may have some facial resemblence to Discord as well.

This also depicts the mind set of general audience. People don’t want your high-tech solar powered, multi rainbow colored umbrella, all they want is a umbrella. Hence, don’t push to make your apps an all-in-one combopack. Instead start slow, mark out your key features and try to push a working MVP or POC if you want.

Don’t stress on cutting edge technologies for your project. Pick the ones you know the most. This also abides for me. Follow it, Ashish!


This is the first post of my blog officially. Also, when I’m satisfied with this blog template I’ll post it for others. Wish me luck!

About the title.

A great remix by Chainsmokers on the original song by Mallart. The sub-bass on drop hits in the right spot. Listen

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